How to make and share Upfire files

7 min readNov 22, 2021


Upfire is a unique project that combines familiar and popular torrenting with crypto. The possibility to earn cryptocurrency not only by creating torrents for desirable files but also earning cryptocurrency by seeding is what makes this app unique.

Upfire rewards not only people who created the original torrent file but also the seeders. Seeders are people who downloaded the file and make it available for download for others. In order to be a seeder you just have to download the files with the app and be online. It is that simple.

Tech Raj did a great video explaining what torrents are and a short demonstration on how Upfire works. You can watch this video to get a better idea:

Table of contents

  1. Download and install Upfire app
  2. Make a new wallet
  3. Download/seed files
  4. Make a upr torrent file
  5. Share upr torrent file

At the time of writing of this article the breakdown of the decryption price is as follows:

  • 50% goes to the original upr file creator
  • 45% is split between seeders (note: seeders who have decrypted the file get 3x the reward of the seeders who have not decrypted the file)
  • 5% goes the Upfire platform as a tax


So, you have a file(s) that you think other people might find desirable or you just like torrents and cryptocurrency. Regardless of the reasons we will walk you through the process of creating your own upr torrent files and sharing them on upr file-sharing site

In this article we will go through the process of sharing files using Upfire desktop app.

To create a upr that you can share you have to do several things:

  1. Download and install Upfire app
  2. Create or add a wallet to the app (don’t worry, we will go through the process of creating a cryptocurrency wallet using the app)
  3. Create a .upr file using the file(s) you want to share
  4. Uploading this .upr to a sharing website where other people can download it

1. Download and install Upfire app

To get the Upfire app you need to go to and download the app for you operating system. The app is available for Windows and Mac

Then you will need to install app. You will get warnings and popups about allowing this app to accept incoming internet connections. These are perfectly normal, you need to allow incoming connections because we are trying to download and upload files using app, so these need to be allowed for the app to function properly.

2. Create or add a wallet to the app

!!!This is a very important step!!!

Your wallet will store the BNB you get from people decrypting the files or for seeding. It is very important that you setup you wallet.

For the purpose of this article we will create a brand new wallet using the app.

Click on the ‘Create wallet’ button:

Choose a password for your wallet:

Save the wallet file.
Important: if you lose your wallet file or forget the password you will lose ALL ACCESS to the wallet!!

3. Seeding upr files

Seeding files is what makes torrenting and, by extension, Upfire a decentralized application. Seeding means making a file available for download for other people. To download a file there should be at least one seeder online who provides the file. Some files can have many seeders and that makes the download faster and more reliable.

Upfire allows seeders to earn BNB for keeping their computers online and making the files available for others to download.

In this section will go through the process of downloading a upr file and seeding it.

In order to use you would need to register and be logged in.

We will use a website called to download a couple of upr files and seeding them:

First we need to select a file to download, I will select the second file in the list, Chad Pepe:

Then we go to the download tab of the app and click ‘Start Download’. You will be prompted with a window to select the upr file. You can also drag the upr file there if you prefer:

After adding upr file you will be asked where you want to save the downloaded file(s). I chose the ‘Downloads’ folder in this example.
Click ‘Start Download’ to start downloading the file:

Active downloads will be displayed in the ‘Downloads’ tab:

After the download is complete this file will show up in the ‘Completed downloads’ tab, the status of the file will be ‘Seeding’. This means that other people can now download this file from you:

That’s it. As long as the app is open on your computer and your are connected to the internet you will be seeding the files you have downloaded. If the files are not free, every time someone downloads this file and decrypts it you will receive a share of the decryption fee.

One note, if you click ‘Get’ on the right hand side and decrypt the file you will receive 3x the decryption rewards because you would be providing not only the file but also the decryption key.

4. Create a upr file using the file(s) you want to share

Now that we have downloaded/installed the app and setup the wallet it is time to move to the fun part, creating your own upr files!

When you create a upr torrent you end up with 2 file: a upr torrent file and a encrypted archive that contains the files that you want to share.

Click the first tab (‘Uploads’) in the app and then ‘Upload files’:

Then we need to fill out the name, description, and price (in BNB) fields. You also need to specify where the encrypted archive containing your file(s) will be stored. Remember where you chose to save the upr file because it will be important later.

After this is done we need to select file(s) to be included in this upr torrent.
Note: it is possible to add more than one file to the upr torrent that you want to share:

Verify the information and click ‘Start Uploading’, larger files will take longer to encrypt, so be patient if you are encrypting large or multiple files:

After encryption is done you will you see your newly created upr torrent file in the uploads tab.

5. Share your upr with the world!

Remember the location of the file you chose when you created upr torrent file? After creating a upr torrent you will find 2 files in that location: a file that contains an encrypted version of the file(s) you chose (may end with .enc) and another file that you can share with people that will allow them to download and decrypt your upr torrent file (may end with .upr):

In order to share your upr torrent we will need the file that ends with .upr

You can send it or email it to people directly or you can upload it to the file sharing website, which we will do in the next section

Next we will upload this file to so that other people can find it and download it!

Go to

After you login, click ‘Upload File’ button at the top of the page:

Fill out the form with the name, category, info, (optionally, a picture) and select the upr file you want to share.
NOTE: that the file that ends with .upr:

Click ‘Submit’ when you are done

That’s it! Now people can find your torrent file and download it!



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